Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire


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On 14 June 1913, England, Tidworth. Battalion marched through Wiltshire to Devizes Camp at Depot
On 15 June 1913, England, Devizes. Church Parade at Southbroom Church
On 16 June 1913, England, Dover. Battalion proceeded to Lydd for Annual Musketry Course, returning to Dover on 14 July.
On 16 June 1913, England, Devizes. Battalion marched to Swindon for a Civic Reception that day. Battalion marched to Chippenham on 17 June Battalion marched to Melksham, and then continued on to Trowbridge on 18 June Battalion marched to Warminster on 19 June Battalion transported by train to Wishford on 20 June, from where it marched to Salisbury for a Civic Reception Battalion marched to Tidworth on 21 June, arriving the same day. Battalion Headquarters and 300 men entrained for Southampton and embarked on TSS 'Rewa' to take part in Naval Manoeuvres
On 1 July 1913, England, Dover. Introduction of Universal Pay Day for all arms.
On 1 July 1913, Gibraltar. 'B' and 'C' Companies to North Front in relief of 'E' and 'F' Companies.
On 22 July 1913, The Nore. 'Red Fleet assembled' Fleet sailed off on 23 July
On 26 July 1913, England, Blyth. Force landed and 'seized' Blyth, Northumberland, landing from boats on the beach. Raiding party sailed again at 10p.m On 27 July, Regiment, as part of force which sailed up Humber landed at Trimlingham Docks. Withdrawn, re-embarked and sailed at 2p.m On 29 July TSS 'Rewa' arrived at Southampton. Troops disembarked and transported by train to Tidworth
On 18 Aug 1913, Gibraltar. Battalion paraded in even order to line to the streets for the arrival of His Excellency the Governor and Commander in Chief. A Guard of Honour (100 Rank and File) with King's Colour at the Gun Wharf.
On 29 Aug 1913, England, Dover. Battalion to Wolverton for Brigade and Divisional Training.
On 30 Aug 1913, Gibraltar. Officers of HMS 'Duke of Edinburgh' made permanent Honorary Members of the Officers' Mess.
On 2 Sept 1913, Gibraltar. Guard of Honour (50 Rank and File), with Regimental Colours, for visit by His Excellency the Governor of Algeciras.
On 17 Sept 1913, England, Wolverton. Battalion moved to training area.
On 23 Sept 1913, England, Aldershot. Details arrived on Change of Station.
On 26 Sept 1913, England, Aldershot. Battalion arrived for manoeuvres area on Change of Station.
On 29 Sept 1913, Gibraltar. Guard of Honour (50 Rank and File) with Regimental Colour for visit by Vice Admiral commanding 4th Battle Squadron.
On 1 Oct 1913, Gibraltar. Regiment re-organised to four companies, instead of eight. Old 'A' and 'D' formed new 'A' Company, 'B' and 'E' formed new 'B' Company, 'C' and 'F' formed new 'C' Company, 'G' and 'H' formed new 'D' Company.
On 9 Oct 1913, England, Southampton. 100 Men embarked for 2nd Battalion and, on 11 December, a further 37 Corporals and Men embarked for 2nd Battalion.
On 14 Oct 1913, England, Aldershot. 14 Recruits joined from the Depot, with nine more on 12 December, eight more on 19 December and 16 on 16 January 1914.
On 8 Nov 1913, Gibraltar. New 'A' Company to North Front in relief of old 'B' and 'C' Companies.
